The 360 Diet includes workouts, recipes, and tips to lead you to a healthy lifestyle. This blog is your guide to getting into the best shape of your life while staying healthy. I have been in the world of fitness all my life, and nothing is more important than staying in shape all year long while staying healthy. Join for a personalized fitness/diet program customized to your lifestyle. Enter your email in, (the follow by email section on the sidebar).

August 4, 2011

A day in the life of...

Waking up at 9am is definitely one upside of summer. Although getting up to have breakfast around 6 or 7am is much more realistic for giving yourself a fair amount of time to wake up before dealing with daily chores, and or workouts. Since I woke up at nine, I made sure to take my vitamin, brush my teeth, go downstairs and say good morning to the fam, and get some breakfast. Like every other morning, I had a serving or Berry Crumble Kashi cereal with some skim milk. Even though it does not seem to exciting, it's low in fat, high in potassium, and has as much fiber as a serving of blueberries. Any of the Kashi cereals are perfect for a healthy diet. After watching some news, I helped clean the house, even though most of the rooms we have are not even used. After watching the neighbors kids for two hours (3 and one half hours after breakfast), I had a low sodium turkey breast sandwich on Arnold Whole Wheat Bread with hummus lightly added to the bread. I also had a glass of water and an apple. After going for a weekly food shopping trip, I had my Clif bar 3 hrs after lunch. Around 5:30 I did a hill workout, running up my 400meter hill atleast eight times before going in and getting a huge drink of water. Three hours after my bar, I had left over slow roasted chicken with carrots, and a banana. Around 9pm, I did my weekly 500 crunches, with 3 sets 3x of any other ab exercise i wanted to do. And at 10 (3hrs later), I had one cup of nonfat yogurt, granola  mix and 3/4 cup of grapes. This is just a sample of my day, soon I will post all my recipes and workouts so you can start your goals.

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