The 360 Diet includes workouts, recipes, and tips to lead you to a healthy lifestyle. This blog is your guide to getting into the best shape of your life while staying healthy. I have been in the world of fitness all my life, and nothing is more important than staying in shape all year long while staying healthy. Join for a personalized fitness/diet program customized to your lifestyle. Enter your email in, (the follow by email section on the sidebar).

August 10, 2011

Carbohydrates: Improving Health

Improving Health one molecule at a time

Carbohydrates are a large part of nutrition that can protects, and improve people's health. To begin with, carbs are organic molecules that contain the element of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that bond together. Their sub particles change depending on the type of carbohydrate, being broken down once digested, and use as storage for energy. This is eventually used as energy, like an engine. The body ends up using it's glucose as a source of energy, and a metabolic stabilizer. We can get carbs by eating foods like, potatoes, whole grain rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and much more. When we consume these foods, they are extracted of "simple sugars", and then they are broken down. Once this occurs the carbohydrates are digested very quickly, although most simple sugars do not have enough vitamins and minerals that are needed for a healthy lifestyle. Carbohydrates that should not be consumed are things like, table sugar, white pasta or dough, maple syrup, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and much more. Although there is a solution. The solution is simply, complex carbs! These take longer to digest, and packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. For instance, veggies, whole grain/whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta. These carbohydrates are overwhelmingly healthy to consume, and increase more energy than any other food. When carbs are consumed, they release an amount of serotonin into the brain. This becomes a natural stress reliever,  and leaves a feeling of satisfaction. Although too much can end up causing the body to react with, mood swings, depression, and the addiction of eating. But as long as the carbs are whole wheat/whole grain, your all set. If someone was addicted to carbohydrates, the best way to stop would be to take steps toward eating more complex carbs. Also eating much more fruits, veggies, and whole wheat pastas. If this condition persists, then the affects can lead to obesity, diabetes, and even death. Not only can the consumption of complex carbohydrates improve you health, it can also influence those around you to try healthier food options. Saving one person at a time!

web.12 may 2011

August 8, 2011

Top Supplements that Actually Work

 Supplements that  Actually Work

Fish Oil-  

  • Heart Health: The number one reason why most people start taking fish oil is to manage you cholesterol levels. Fish oil can improve both good and bad cholesterol levels. Also the Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can help lower triglycerides by  25%, and increase good cholesterol in diabetics. Irregular heart beats are major factors of  heart related deaths! So taking fish oil is the best thing you can do to lower your risk. People with poor blood circulation usually have thicker blood cells, which also can leads to heart problems. So improving circulation is key!
  • Fish Oil can help depression, and mood changes.
  • It can improve concentration, and learning. Studies show that infants were 24% healthier when pregnant mothers took fish oil.
  • It may seem weird taking fish oil to loose weight. But there are three factors that fish oil is associated with weight loss. Taking fish oil can help with obesity, metabolic rate, and controlled weight. Omega 3s that are in fish oil help the body secrete leptin, which helps regulate your metabolism. Also omega 3 fish oil combined with moderate aerobic exercise can boost weight loss.


  • Help daily stress
  • Helps prevent vitamin deficiencies 
  • Provides energy
  • Brain function
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease
  • Prevents cancer!
  • Great nutrients for pregnant mothers
  • Make sure your vitamins contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, folic acid, and recommended dose of iron, zinc, and copper.


  • Strengthening bones
  • Prevents obesity along with a healthy diet
  • Protects heart muscles by maintaining correct pressure in arteries
  • Prevents colon cancer
  • Helps moods swings, dizziness, hypertension, and much more
  • Prevents kidney stones
  • Takes good care of blood pressure

Vitamin D-
Top 5 Healthy Benefits by newsmax: 

  • It helps the intestine absorb nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus. This ensures strong bones and a strong immune system.

  •  Vitamin D prevents osteomalacia and rickets. Osteomalacia, which causes weakness of the muscular system and brittle bones, is most prevalent among adults with vitamin D deficiency. Rickets is a skeletal deformity mostly seen in children with vitamin D deficiency.

  • Vitamin D provides calcium balance in the body that prevents osteoporosis or arthritis.

  • Vitamin D regulates blood pressure, reduces stress and tension, relieves body aches and pains by reducing muscle spasms, reduces respiratory infections, helps in differentiation of the cells, aids in insulin secretion, helps fight depression, improves overall skin health by reducing wrinkles, makes skin soft, strong, and smooth, and improves cardiovascular strength by providing a protective lining for the blood vessels.

  • Vitamin D is recommended in the treatment of several diseases. It may prevent preaclamsia by improving kidney function, cancer by controlling abnormal multiplication of cancer cells, diabetes mellitus by controlling insulin production, hyperparathyroidism by reducing parathyroid numbers, osteomalacia by improving bone and muscle strength, hypophosphatemia by controlling the phosphates in the body, hypocalcaemia by preventing abnormal deposition of calcium, and renal osteodystrophy by regulating calcium content and fibromyalgia.

  • The benefits of vitamin D can be obtained by increasing exposure to sunlight and including vitamin D rich foods into your diet like fish, cod liver oil, milk, and eggs. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also good sources of vitamin D.

  • Although vitamin D supplements are not as effective as synthesizing vitamin D naturally by the body, they are still effective in treating several medical conditions. Vitamin D fortified food products and fortified milk can also provide this essential nutrient to our body.

Whey Protein Powder- 

  • Physical Performance- It contains all of the essential amino acids needed for an efficient healthy diet, and athletic performance
  • Cardiovascular Health- gives people a chance to be a part of a nutritious diet
  • Cancer- Studies show in some cases the whey protein can reduce some cancer tumors
  • Weight management- It takes a lot more energy to digest protein, which causes more calories to be burned after a protein meal. Also helps stabilize blood glucose levels by slowing its absorption into the bloodstream. This ends up reducing hunger when the insulin levels become much lower. This makes it much easier to burn fat.
  • Diebetes- Helps control glucose levels. It is also a very easily manageable  food.

Flachs P, Rossmeisl M, Bryhn M, Kopecky J. Cellular and molecular effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on adipose tissue biology and metabolism. Clin Sci (Lond). 2009 Jan;116(1):1-16.
Hanbauer I, Rivero-Covelo I, Maloku E, Baca A, Hu Q, Hibbeln JR, Davis JM. The Decrease of n-3 Fatty Acid Energy Percentage in an Equicaloric Diet Fed to B6C3Fe Mice for Three Generations Elicits Obesity. Cardiovasc Psychiatry Neurol. 2009;2009:867041. Epub 2009 Sep 16.
Harris WS. N-3 fatty acids and serum lipoproteins: human studies. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 May;65(5 Suppl):1645S-1654S.
Hill A, Buckley J, Murphy K, Howe P. NUTRITIONAL STATUS, DIETARY INTAKE, AND BODY COMPOSITION: Combining fish-oil supplements with regular aerobic exercise improves body composition and cardiovascular disease risk factors Am. J. Clinical Nutrition, May 2007; 85: 1267 – 1274.
Mori TA, Bao DQ, Burke V, Puddey IB, Watts GF, Beilin LJ. Dietary fish as a major component of a weight-loss diet: effect on serum lipids, glucose, and insulin metabolism in overweight hypertensive subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Nov;70(5):817-25.
Perez-Matute P, Marti A, Martinez JA, Fernandez-Otero MP, Stan- hope KL, Havel PJ & Moreno-Aliaga MJ (2005) Eicosapentaenoic fatty acid (EPA) increases leptin secretion from primary cultured rat adipocytes: role of glucose metabolism. Am J Physiol 288, R1682 – R1688.
Ruth MR, Proctor SD, Field CJ. Feeding long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to obese leptin receptor-deficient JCR:LA- cp rats modifies immune function and lipid-raft fatty acid composition. Br J Nutr. 2009 May;101(9):1341-50. Epub 2008 Dec 15.

August 7, 2011

Appetite Suppressing Foods

Top Appetite Suppressing Foods

An apple a day keeps the doctor away- soluble fiber in apples, called pectin, reduces the amount of sugar and calories that is absorbed into your bloodstream after a meal. It also prevents spikes in blood sugar that leads to fat storage.

Get rid of hunger with bran- fiber is a type of carb that you can not digest. This means no calories. Wheat bran is the richest source. Fill your stomach with one glass of water or 2 tablespoons of bran, and you will stop the release of the hunger hormone ghrelin for about an extra hour. Bran also absorbs the water and moisture in the stomach, like a sponge. It expands the stomach and makes you feel full, so you will end up eating much less. Start with a small amount, then increase. Take this with meals. It is good in shakes or apple sauce. Drink lots of liquids to prevent cramps. The best time is breakfast, after dinner or before bedtime. Then have at least 12 ounces of water.

Drink Green Tea and Stay Lean- Green tea contains a phytonutrient called EGCG, which increases the CCK hormone that is responsible for giving your body the feeling of satiation. It also stimulates your metabolism by activating thermogenesis, which burns energy and fat. If drunken daily it will help prevent storage of extra body fat, and the ability for your body to burn fat quick. EGCG liquid tablets help avoid cravings, drinks tea before and after, and between meals. Do not take if your are suffering from hypothyroidism.Kirkland Signature Ito En Matcha Blend (Green Tea), 100% Japanese Green Tea Leaves, 100 Tea Bags

  From the Vine- Acetic acid helps prevent spikes in blood sugar and lowers the glycemic index of foods. Red wine vinegar contains nutrients such as the antioxidant resveratrol that has been shown to protect the heart. Ability to fight cravings for 1 to 1 and a half hours, depending on the meal consumed. Fat metabolism in your liver can be more than 3 hrs. Take a table spoon of red wine vinegar with sparkling water with meals

Pine Nuts- The omega 6 fatty acid found in pine nuts called pinolenic acid has been shown to increase the release of satiety hormones. This promotes weight loss and reduces food intake. Pinolenic acid stimulates the release of CCK, the hormone that suppresses hunger. Satiety lasts thirty minutes, sometimes up to two hours. Great snack on the go, very tasty in pesto and veggie dishes, or even salad and whole grain noodles.Raw Pine Nuts 16 ounce (1 Pound Bag)

Pesto- 2 cups of fresh basil, 1 cup of kale, half cup of pine nuts, half of a green apple sliced, half cup of olive oil, 2 tblsp of red wine vinegar , one clove of garlic, 1/4 tsp of pink rock salt or sea salt. Optional: one tsp of EGCG extract. Put ingredients in a blender. Store airtight in glass jar in your fridge. Served with whole grain, high bran crackers.

Enjoy!..thank you Dr. Oz