The 360 Diet includes workouts, recipes, and tips to lead you to a healthy lifestyle. This blog is your guide to getting into the best shape of your life while staying healthy. I have been in the world of fitness all my life, and nothing is more important than staying in shape all year long while staying healthy. Join for a personalized fitness/diet program customized to your lifestyle. Enter your email in, (the follow by email section on the sidebar).

August 10, 2011

Carbohydrates: Improving Health

Improving Health one molecule at a time

Carbohydrates are a large part of nutrition that can protects, and improve people's health. To begin with, carbs are organic molecules that contain the element of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that bond together. Their sub particles change depending on the type of carbohydrate, being broken down once digested, and use as storage for energy. This is eventually used as energy, like an engine. The body ends up using it's glucose as a source of energy, and a metabolic stabilizer. We can get carbs by eating foods like, potatoes, whole grain rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and much more. When we consume these foods, they are extracted of "simple sugars", and then they are broken down. Once this occurs the carbohydrates are digested very quickly, although most simple sugars do not have enough vitamins and minerals that are needed for a healthy lifestyle. Carbohydrates that should not be consumed are things like, table sugar, white pasta or dough, maple syrup, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and much more. Although there is a solution. The solution is simply, complex carbs! These take longer to digest, and packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. For instance, veggies, whole grain/whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta. These carbohydrates are overwhelmingly healthy to consume, and increase more energy than any other food. When carbs are consumed, they release an amount of serotonin into the brain. This becomes a natural stress reliever,  and leaves a feeling of satisfaction. Although too much can end up causing the body to react with, mood swings, depression, and the addiction of eating. But as long as the carbs are whole wheat/whole grain, your all set. If someone was addicted to carbohydrates, the best way to stop would be to take steps toward eating more complex carbs. Also eating much more fruits, veggies, and whole wheat pastas. If this condition persists, then the affects can lead to obesity, diabetes, and even death. Not only can the consumption of complex carbohydrates improve you health, it can also influence those around you to try healthier food options. Saving one person at a time!

web.12 may 2011

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